Active Recall
Active Recall
Active Recall Voice Notes (ARVN) — "The Bullet Journal Method" by Ryder Carroll

Active Recall Voice Notes (ARVN) — "The Bullet Journal Method" by Ryder Carroll

This is my first post and I’m going by the “Just get started” advice.

Every day or so, I’ll take a walk and I’ll…

  1. … listen to something (podcast, audiobook)

  2. Record some thoughts afterward

  3. Write some additional thoughts and add links

The gimmick: Each note describes a room in a memory palace to capture some of the concepts captured during the listening session.

Each week, I’ll gather the individual audio posts here, combine them, add some music and sound effects, and make them full episodes on the Active Recall feed.

I’m hoping that posts on this newsletter will:

  • A: Give me some of the satisfaction of finishing smaller chunks

  • B: Force me to actually write show notes

This first voice note is about “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll.

  • Quote mentioned on this episode: “Cultivating this self awareness is a lifelong process but it starts with checking in with yourself.”

  • My first few posts are going to be about journaling. I’m looking at this as a bit of a form of journaling in public. Using the Bullet Journal concept of collections, this newsletter would be like making a public version of my reading/listening trackers.

Here’s a page from a few months back when I was trying to use the iOS Notes app for bullet journaling.

And some links mentioned in the voice note:

  • Creating A Decision Journal by Farnam Street (article) — I started tracking decisions after reading this article. I took some of the questions in this article and then made a note in Evernote that I duplicate for new decisions. I fill it in and then set a reminder on the note for 6 months in the future. Every time I review past entries, I always wish I made more of them.

  • Joe Rogan talks tough with Brendan Schaub (2014) (clip starts on video at 13:35) —Make your journal like Joe Rogan. Over time, it can help you build up awareness. It can help you make better decisions, like leaving cage fighting for commentary and stand-up comedy. “The reality of your skillset, where you’re at now, I don’t see you beating the elite guys…”

That’s that for now—hello world!

Active Recall
Active Recall
We're trying to learn more about videography, podcasting, and learning. We'll try to share the good stuff.